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The Development of Diaspora’s Armenian Literature

2018-04-19 @ 7:30 pm EEST

Exclusive Presentaton by Renowned Krikor Beledian

Glendale CA : Join us on Thurs day , April 1 9 , 2018 , at 7:30 pm, for a n exclusive presentation on The Development of Diaspora’s Armenian Literature by Krikor Beledian at the Downtown Central Library Auditorium, 222 East Harvard Street. Admission will be free. Library visitors receive 3 hours FREE parking across the street at The Market Place parking structure with validation at the service desk. The program is organized by, Glendale Library, Arts & Culture department.

Krikor Beledian is a renowned Armenian writer, poet and literary critic. His extensive work revolves around identity, Armenian Genocide and Armenian language. Beledian has played a significant role in the development of the western Armenian  literary language. His works have been translated in English, German, French and Italian. He has published more than twenty books in Armenia, France, Lebanon and the United State. Beledian resides in Paris.



7:30 pm EEST


Downtown Central Library Auditorium
222 E. Harvard Street,
Glendale, CA 91205 United States
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