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Patriarch of Bulgaria met the President of the Foundation of the Orthodox Churches of the Bulgarian Exarchate in Constantinople

Patriarch Daniel of Bulgaria received Mr. Dimitri Iotev, President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation of the Orthodox Churches of the Bulgarian Exarchate in Constantinople and the Foundation of the Bulgarian Church of St. George in Edirne, at the Synodal Palace.

Also present at the meeting were Mr. Hristo Kopano, Vice President; Board members Mr. Ilcho Kyosev, Mr. Argir Liaze and Mrs. Yoanka Shonef; as well as Mr. Vasil Valchev, Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Constantinople and Mrs. Radoslava Kafedzhiyska, Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Edirne.

The meeting was also attended by Metropolitans Grigory of Veliko Tarnovo, Gavriil of Lovchansky, Serafim of Nevrokop, Naum of Ruse, Kiprian of Stara Zagora, Grigory of Vratsa and Yakov of Dorostol, as well as Archdeacon Ivan Petkov.

During the discussion, Mr. Iotev emphasized the deep spiritual bond between the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and its compatriots in Constantinople and expressed gratitude for the Church’s ongoing efforts to preserve liturgical traditions and ensure the proper functioning of the historic Iron Church of St. Stephen.

Patriarch Daniel extended his blessings and greetings to all Bulgarians in Istanbul and Edirne, encouraging them to remain close to the Church and actively participate in their Orthodox community’s spiritual life.

The meeting also addressed various issues related to the religious life of Bulgarian expatriates in Turkey and explored ways to promote Orthodox pilgrimage traditions. Special emphasis was placed on encouraging more Bulgarians to visit the historic Bulgarian churches in Istanbul and Edirne, as well as facilitating opportunities for Bulgarian expatriates in Turkey to make pilgrimages to sacred sites in their homeland.

Patriarch Daniel wished Mr. Iotev and all Bulgarians in Turkey a happy and blessed Easter. At the end of the meeting, commemorative gifts were exchanged.

Orthodox Times

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