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Is There a Pre-Conclave Atmosphere in the Vatican? Cardinals From Around the World Break the Silence Given the Pope’s Health

Individuals closest to Pope Francis give a close look at the situation, offering different focuses given the speculations about a possible Conclave to elect a new Pontiff and about the Holy Father’s renunciation for reasons of health.
Is There a Pre-Conclave Atmosphere in the Vatican? Cardinals From Around the World Break the Silence Given the Pope’s Health | ZENIT – English


(ZENIT News / Rome, 06.03.2025).- The Cardinals of the Church have commented on the process of the Pope’s illness and responded to the false news and rumours that have arisen since the Pontiff’s hospitalization last February 14. They are the closest individuals to Pope Francis and give a close look at the situation, offering different focuses given the speculations about a possible Conclave to elect a new Pontiff and about the Holy Father’s renunciation for reasons of health.

In an interview with Corrière della Sera on February 22, the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin said that what is important at this time is the Pope’s health, his recovery and his return to the Vatican. The media talks about Pope Francis’ possible renunciation, hospitalized in the Gemelli Polyclinic, but presents the yellowish side of the information.

Given the spread of false news about the atmosphere in the Vatican, the Cardinal said: “Honestly I must say that I don’t know if there are such manoeuvres and treatment, in any case, I stay out of it. Moreover, I believe that it’s quite normal that uncontrolled rumours can spread or an inappropriate comment be made. It’s certainly not the first time it happens. However, I don’t think there is any particular movement and, up to now, I haven’t heard anything like that.”

Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, was interviewed by the Argentine newspaper La Nacion on February 21 and said: “I’m not aware of a pre-conclave atmosphere. I don’t hear talk about a possible Successor more than what was talked about a year ago, that is, nothing special. For me, it’s important that the Pope’s body has reacted well to the current treatment.”

As regards pressure for the Pope’s renunciation given his illness, the Argentine Cardinal added: “It makes no sense that some groups exert pressure for him to resign. They have already done so over the last years, and this can only be a totally free decision of the Holy Father for it to be valid.”

Cardinal Giovanni Re, 91, Dean of the College of Cardinals, excluded the alarmist position in face of the Pope’s illness. Nevertheless, given his position, it’s his role to communicate the news of the Pope’s death and to preside over the funeral as Dean of the Cardinals.

In order to clarify the Cardinals’ role, it’s good to recall that it corresponds to the Cardinal Camarlengo, Kevin Joseph Farrell, to administer the assets of the Church if the Pope dies and to initiate the process of preparation for the Conclave. During the period of the See’s Vacancy [Sede Vacante] the College of Cardinals is in charge of the affairs of the Church, but without taking decisions that imply permanent changers.

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Culture, said that Pope Francis can resign “if he has serious difficulties to carry out his service,” however, his great wish is to fulfill at least the Jubilee. This decision is up to him alone. “He will be the one who decides, of course. Perhaps he will ask for advice, but he, in conscience, will evaluate the last word himself,” he said to Corrière della Sera. It will be about a possible resignation in case of serious health problems.

Cardinal Ravasi also said: “If he were in a situation in which his capacity to have direct contact with the people would be very limited, then I believe he would decide to resign.” And he reminded that Pope Francis already handed a letter of conditional renunciation to the Cardinal Secretary of State, at the beginning of his pontificate.

Cardinal Paolo Lojudice, Archbishop of Sienna, criticized harshly the spread of false news about Pope Francis’ health, in an interview with ACI Press, labelling them as “fantasies” and an “absolute lack of respect.” He lamented that “every time there is a sick Pope, certain circles stir these fantasies,” which, he said, are proper to a society of “compulsive hyper-communication.”

Cardinal Lojudice also pointed out that the media promotes these rumors and “are not very interested in the good of the Church or in the good and health of the Holy Father.” Hence, “it seems to me that there is nothing new in the media, not even in this. Unfortunately, it has always happened. Every time there is a sick Pope, certain circles agitate these fantasies, this false news. “

Moreover, he recalled that in moments of uncertainty, the tradition of the Church is to trust. “It must always be taken into account that the Church is guided, first by the Holy Spirit, and second, that the first and fundamental Teacher and Shepherd [of the Church] is Jesus.”

Cardinal Jean-Marc Aveline of Marseille, a man trusted by the Pope, said on February 20 that Pope Francis has a clear position: “If you really want him to rest, you have to admit him to hospital, because otherwise he will never rest.” Cardinal Aveline did not discard the renunciation of the Head of the Church: “Everything is possible!”, he said.

Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said on February 20 that the narrative is morbid to fuel speculation about the Pope’s serious state and create a pre-conclave atmosphere.

He added to ACI Press that it’s “right to be concerned” about the Holy Father’s health. However, the concern “must be kept within limits,” and he lamented that many speculations about his health have generated a “morbid atmosphere.”

“The situation, undoubtedly, is delicate and the Pope has not held back in his efforts, unfortunately, from a certain point of view. The Pope «is recovering and will return to the Vatican in a few more weeks.”


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