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International Visa Cashless Forum to be Held for the First Time in Armenia 

The Visa Cashless Forum 2024 will take place in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, on November 22, 2024. This international event will gather participants to explore advancements in digital payments and the cashless economy, the transformation of Armenia’s financial market and banking sector, and the latest technologies and innovative payment solutions. Key speakers will include senior Visa executives, representatives from the public and business sectors, and leading international and regional experts in payment technologies and finance.

“Being present in the Armenian market for over 20 years, Visa has established strong links with partners from both the public and private sectors to develop and implement innovative payment technologies in Armenia and make digital payments convenient and accessible for thousands of local cardholders and businesses,” said Diana Kiguradze, Visa Regional Manager for the Caucasus Region“This year, we are delighted to host the Visa Cashless Forum in Yerevan, emphasizing the country’s progress on the way to a cashless future. I am confident that this event will serve as an effective platform for sharing insights, expertise, and innovative solutions, enabling us to work with partners to drive economic growth in the country and introduce cutting-edge technologies.”

Visa Cashless Forum is one of Visa’s flagship events in the CISSEE region, focused on the latest trends in the financial sector. Initially held in Ukraine in 2017, the forum has since taken place in countries like Kazakhstan, Serbia, and others. This year, Armenia will host the Visa Cashless Forum for the first time.


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