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Catholicos Karekin II regrets decision to remove church history subject from school curriculum

On July 11, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received the regional officials of the Christian Education Center of the Mother See, under the guidance of Proto-Archimandrite Zakaria Baghumyan, Director of the Christian Education Center, the Mother See reported.

“At the meeting, Proto-Archimandrite Zakaria expressed gratitude to His Holiness the Patriarch for the constant care and attention shown to the educational mission of the Armenian Church, noting with satisfaction that over the past years, the regional officials of the CEC have dedicated their work and contributed to the effective teaching of the “History of the Armenian Church” subject,” the church press office said.

“Afterwards, His Holiness conveyed his blessings and appreciation to the attendees for the years of devoted and diligent service, and again referred to the importance of teaching the subject “History of the Armenian Church” and the imperative to educate the young generation with a national-spiritual value system.

“His Holiness noted with regret that with the introduction of the new state standard of general education in the coming academic year, the subject will be taught only in the 9th and 11th grades, and from 2026 it will be completely removed from the educational program. In this regard, the Catholicos of All Armenians noted the importance of strengthening the Christian upbringing of young Armenians in the dioceses, to which the regional officials of the CEC can provide an important service with their rich years of experience,” reads the statement.


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