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Ukrainian President Recognizes Importance of Bible Society and Church Leaders in War Time

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has met with Ukrainian Bible Society and Ukrainian Church leadership in early April, as the war continues to rage across the country.

Held in the Ukrainian Bible Society’s Bible House, the meeting included leaders and representatives of both the evangelical Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine.

President Zelensky thanked the churches for their ongoing support to Ukrainians during this harrowing time.

Ukrainian Bible Society’s Deputy General Secretary, Rev. Anatoliy Raychynets, attended the meeting and shared some of what was discussed in this intimate setting:

“We are all tired of the exhausting war. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has a huge responsibility and workload. But even in the midst of the war, he found time to meet with church representatives to congratulate them on Easter, discuss the situation and the need for cooperation. 

“The President spoke frankly about the numerous challenges and threats that exist today and what this terrible war entails. He expressed his gratitude and emphasized the important role of the Church in pastoral, spiritual, psychological, and humanitarian work. The President encouraged all churches to continue telling the truth to the world in contrast to Russian propaganda. The Head of State thanked the churches and the Bible Society for the essential service of military chaplains, whom the Bible Society provides with Bibles.”

Raychynets was able to encourage President Zelensky – telling him that they are praying for both him and the situation in general, and that God will grant them a miracle, bringing peace to the Ukraine.

Across the Ukraine, the war has transformed the nation in profound ways. Churches and faith communities are providing much needed support to the Ukrainian people, becoming the support network required:

“Churches have been turned into shelters, humanitarian hubs, centers of spiritual and psychological assistance. Amid the incessant bombardment of cities and towns by bombs and missiles, millions of people have sought refuge in church buildings, hoping to find safety there because they had an understanding that it was a special place. Many of these people entered a church for the first time in their lives. 

“At the same time, the war compelled churches to go beyond their buildings to help those who were suffering in the midst of the chaos. Pastors and priests assumed the role of drivers, evacuating people in need; they became psychologists and volunteers, providing all kinds of assistance in the most critical situations.”

In the darkest of days, God’s Word continues to spread across the nation thanks to the persistent, hard work of the Ukrainian Bible Society. Raychynets explains how he is seeing this tangibly, as their team provides support to the frontlines:

“Personally, I have encountered pastors in bomb shelters, hospitals, and church basements, where they prayed with frightened people and read children’s Bibles in complete darkness to groups of frightened children. This is confirmed by the fact that the Bible Society has distributed 1 million 25 thousand copies of the Bible during these 25 months of war. There is a great interest in God’s Word. Every day, seven days a week, churches are receiving Bibles from the Bible Society to serve hundreds of thousands of people who are getting their first experience with the church.”

Despite the seemingly endless war, the Ukrainian Bible Society team have put their faith and hope in Christ – that these difficult circumstances will come to an end:

“Today, the situation is exceptionally difficult. We live one day at a time, realizing the power of the enemy. Our hope is in a miracle that only the Lord can perform.”

“Even in the most difficult times of bombing, terror from the enemy, the Church remains open and provides comprehensive assistance to people.”

Please continue to pray for the Ukrainian Bible Society team, as they provide support in the form of humanitarian assistance and hope in the form of God’s Word.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for the protection and comfort of the Ukrainian people, especially those seeking refuge in churches amidst the ongoing war – ask God to shield them from harm and provide them with a sense of safety and peace.
  • Lift up political and church leaders in Ukraine, praying for strength, wisdom, and encouragement as they navigate the challenges of war.
  • Pray for the uninterrupted distribution of Bibles by the Ukrainian Bible Society, even in the midst of war – pray they receive the necessary resources, protection, and opportunities to distribute His Word to those in need.
  • Pray for the transformative impact of God’s Word on the hearts and lives of the Ukrainian people – ask God to use the Scriptures to bring hope, healing, and spiritual growth, drawing many to faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray fervently for an end to the war and for lasting peace to be established in Ukraine.


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