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Senior cleric urges Diaspora Armenians to support protest movement in Armenia

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan of the Tavush Diocese has urged Diaspora Armenians to join rallies in support of the Tavush for the Homeland movement aimed at stopping the Armenian government’s unilateral territorial concessions to Azerbaijan.

In a statement on Saturday, he welcomed the Armenian Diaspora’s opposition to the surrender of border areas in Tavush Province to Azerbaijan as part of a delimitation deal, warning of more territorial concessions in Syunik, Gegharkunik and Jermuk in the future.

“We don’t even know where this whole process will stop,” the archbishop noted and called for joining rallies in support of the protest movement around the world to give a new impetus to it.

“For us this is a battle of lies and the truth, I strongly believe that the truth will prevail and we all, whether in the Diaspora or Armenia, will be liberated after the victory of the truth. You too are lost and vulnerable and with the healing of the homeland, you too will be healed. Thank you, God bless you and we look forward to welcoming you in a liberated and victorious Armenia,” reads the statement.


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