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Lavrov: We are sorry Armenian leadership decided to steadily pursue a line of worsening relations with Russia 

We are sorry that the Armenian leadership has taken what appears to be a conscious decision to steadily pursue a line of worsening relations with the Russian Federation and blaming Russia for everything that has happened to Nagorno-Karabakh. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated today, 2 March at a press conference following the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya.

“This is not in an allied way, of course. One of the main accusations is that, in addition to the fictions I quoted when it was stated by Armenian officials that it was Russia that pushed Azerbaijan to start a war, as they said, in September 2020. These are ungrateful assessments because it was Russia that stopped this war, and it could have stopped it much earlier, when the Azerbaijanis had not yet taken Shusha (Shusha – ed.), but when Nikol Vovayevich Pashinyan in response to Vladimir Putin’s appeals, said: “No, we will fight until the end”. Well, please. Although it was possible, I say again, to stop much earlier, there were options that allowed the return of Azerbaijani refugees to Shusha, keeping Shusha as part of Karabakh. Well, this is a stage already passed,” Lavrov said.


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