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Armenian border residents live in fear amid Azeri shootings, Tatoyan warns

Azerbaijani troops repeatedly carry out mine explosions in the immediate vicinity of their positions in the invaded parts of Nerkin Hand and shootings are also recorded, former Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan says following his trip to the Armenian border village.

“The Azerbaijani authorities also carry out military exercises at such a distance from the village that shots and explosions can be clearly heard inside the village both during the day and at night,” he wrote on Facebook on Friday.

“Residents of Nerkin Hand are kept in fear, people cannot move freely in the village, there are Azerbaijani armed forces in front of the village school, people’s safe life is disrupted,” said the ex-ombudsman, who currently runs the Tatoyan Foundation.

Tatoyan highlighted that 2,700 hectares of territory in the village alone were occupied by Azerbaijani forces, including 2,400 hectares of specially protected lands, 170 hectares of forest lands and 130 hectares of communal lands.

His visit came after the deadly Azerbaijani attack on the Armenian combat positions near Nerkin Hand on Tuesday which left four Armenian soldiers killed and another wounded.


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