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Anglican and Catholic bishops to meet in Rome and Canterbury for the ecumenical summit Growing Together

During Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (22-29 January) Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury will commission bishops for joint mission and witness

(ZENIT News / Rome, 01.21.2024).- Meeting during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, bishops from the Anglican and Roman  Catholic traditions will be gathering for Growing Together – a weeklong summit for ecumenical  discussion and pilgrimage in Rome and Canterbury between 22 and 29 January 2024.

The bishops will come in pairs – Anglican and Catholic – representing different countries from  around the world. Over 50 bishops are participating, from 27 countries.

 Visiting holy sites in both Rome and Canterbury, the bishops will pray, reflect and learn from one  another. The aim is to discuss ways of growing together in joint witness and mission in the  world.

On January 25, near the tomb of the Apostle Paul, Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury will  commission the bishops, sending them out in pairs, to be witnesses to Christian Unity. This will  be a significant moment, symbolic for Anglican-Catholic bonds and advancing ecumenical dialogue.

The Summit is organised by IARCCUM – the International Anglican-Roman Catholic  Commission for Unity and Mission. IARCCUM is an official commission of the Anglican  Communion and the Catholic Church, established to support ecumenical dialogue between the  traditions.


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