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Ecumenical Patriarch: Do not forget your roots, teach your children the traditions of the Nation

In a deeply emotional atmosphere on Friday, January 19, 2024, the day of the Holy Epiphany feast according to the Julian calendar, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided over the Divine Liturgy at the historic Church of Saint Basil in Triglia, within the Metropolis of Bursa. It is recalled that Slavic-speaking Orthodox Christians live in Triglia and the wider region, serviced by the Metropolis of Bursa.

Elder Metropolitans Emmanuel of Chalcedon and Apostolos of Derkoi, clergy and monks, Archons of the great Church of Christ, Ambassador Konstantinos Koutras, Consul General of Greece in Constantinople, as well as the Consuls General of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia, Roman Nedilskyi, Sergiu Gurduza, and Aleksandre Jishkariani, respectively, attended the service.

During the Divine Liturgy, “Creed” and “Our Father” were recited in Greek, Ukrainian, Romanian, Arabic, Georgian, and Turkish.

In hi speech, the Ecumenical Patriarch referred with particular emotion to the celebration of the Holy Epiphany in historic Triglia, noting, among other things, that “the souls of our ancestors are also rejoicing, who are resting here expecting the resurrection of the dead. Everyone is with us in this festive gathering.”

Subsequently, the Ecumenical Patriarch pointed out:

“We are deeply indebted to the Greeks of Asia Minor who, as refugees, preserved and promoted the Orthodox identity and its noble values wherever they found themselves in the world. Those who departed from their ancestral homes carried with them, etched in their minds and embedded in their hearts, the spiritual wealth and invaluable experience of centuries—the cultural heritage of the Nation intricately tied to faith in Christ and the Orthodox ethos.

Today spiritual values are underestimated while the great importance and timeliness of this spiritual heritage is revealed. That is why we reiterate, dear pilgrims, and we always emphasize this on similar occasions: Do not forget your roots! Teach your children the traditions of the Nation. Convince the new generation to feel proud of their Asia Minor origin. Encourage young people to visit the unforgettable homelands, to get to know the homeland. Rest assured that during their time here, they will not merely sense themselves as visitors but will feel a profound connection, discovering hidden spiritual treasures, encountering miracles unspoken, and hearing words unuttered, resonating deep within their hearts. Their souls will be filled with gratitude for their ancestors who loved and glorified this place.

Similar feelings, dear Christians, overwhelm the pilgrims when they visit the Phanar, the most revered center of Orthodoxy, where the sanctuaries and shrines of the Nation have been preserved for centuries. This is where your Patriarch will start, God willing, to visit the sacred shrines of the Nation and to officiate the Divine Liturgy in the temples of Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace. We also invite you to participate as often as you can. And we ask you to pray for the Holy Great Church of Christ so that Christ may protect its mission and strengthen its testimony in the modern world. To enlighten and to protect those of us who have the privilege of serving her.”

Previously, the Ecumenical Patriarch was addressed by the Metropolitan of Bursa.

Immediately afterwards, the Ecumenical Patriarch, the hierarchs, the officials and the faithful in procession and accompanied by many permanent residents of Triglia went to the waterfront of the town. There the Ecumenical Patriarch presided over the service of the Diving for the Cross.

Victor Galip Yavuz, hailing from Constantinople, received a pectoral cross as a blessing from the Ecumenical Patriarch. Subsequently, amidst the blessings and congratulations extended to all the swimmers, he fearlessly plunged into the frigid waters.

Orthodox Times

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