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Scientific explanation given to biblical miracle of Moses crossing Red Sea 

The research suggests that the parting of the Red Sea before Moses, described in the Old Testament of the Bible, may not actually have been a miracle and could have happened due to “meteorological phenomena,” The Daily Mail reports.

The biblical miracle when Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea can be explained with the help of science.

New research suggests that Moses, who parted the Red Sea to enable the Israelites to escape from the Egyptians, may not have been a miracle worker at all.

According to the data of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Leicester, four natural phenomena occurred that could explain the drying of that region, MK informed.

Opposing waves, easterly winds, tidal waves, and so-called “Rossby waves” may have produced a rush of water large enough for people to cross the sea on foot.

One explanation could be a phenomenon called “wind setdown” in which a strong and steady wind can lower the water level in an area while causing water to accumulate on the windward side.

The wind speed must be “considerable” to keep the water at bay for a long time, the research team noted.


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