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California legislators condemn Armenophobic hate crime in San Francisco – Public Radio of Armenia

California State Legislators have issue strong statements condemning Armenophobic hate crime in San Francisco.

“Our children’s schools should not be subjected to racist and hateful graffiti. The incident at the The Krouzian-Zekarian Armenian School and its adjacent Armenian Community,” Senator Anthony Portantino said.

“Those responsible must be identified and face legal consequences. According to newspaper accounts the graffiti appears to be Azerbaijani-centric. I call on Azerbaijan to stop the unprovoked violence on the Armenian boarder and end this assault on American institutions where we send our children,” he added.

Senator Bill Dodd also condemned the racially-motivated Armenophobic vandalism against the Krouzian-Zekarian-Vasbouragan bilingual Armenian School in San Francisco.

“Hate crimes and racist vandalism are abhorrent. I stand with the Armenian-American community as those responsible are identified and brought to justice,” Senator Bill Dodd said.

This hate crime follows a pattern of racially-motivated attacks against Armenians, including the mob attacks against Armenians by Azerbaijanis in Russia, an arson attack on an Armenian embassy vehicle in Germany, and the deliberate burning down of an Armenian business in Ukraine.

Anti-Armenian attacks follow the recent instigation of fighting by Azerbaijan against Armenia which began on July 12th when Azerbaijani forces attacked Armenia’s northern province of Tavush on multiple occasions, targeting civilian and military targets alike with heavy artillery, combat drones and tanks.

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