If we were to repeat these utterances today, would Erdoğan and Bahçeli be able to reasonably object?
Just look at the state to which they have brought the country. Almost everyone who has attempted to speak out against the powers that be has been intimidated and suppressed, they’ve been jailed and imprisoned, and none of it has shown any sign of letting up.
There is no one left who hasn’t been cowed into silence, who hasn’t been crushed by the oppressive weight of the state. The cultural heritage that exists on these lands, and beyond that, nature itself, have both been dealt their share of this destruction.
The things that have been done—that are still being done, are the product of nothing less than the unrestrained exercise of power; of a ravenous appetite for destruction.
Indeed, the Erdoğan-Bahçeli partnership is only the most recent manifestation of a barbarism and tradition of destruction whose roots run deep in these lands.
The geography of Anatolia today is one of destruction, of ruin; it is filled with thousands of churches and other holy places being used as stables or warehouses.
The Erdoğan-Bahçeli partnership (and we can just as easily add VP Party head Doğu Perinçek) represents this tradition of destruction that has razed Anatolia, that has not only deported and liquidated whole peoples, but also destroyed their cultural heritage and attempted to erase all trace of them.
Today, Turkish vandalism, Turkish destructiveness holds the reins of power as the Erdoğan-Bahçeli-Perinçek coalition.
Every Turk must therefore understand that opposing this axis is, at it’s core, the waging of a war for civilization.
The regime’s imprisonment of the wealthy philanthropist Osman Kavala, who as the founder of the Foundation for Anatolian Culture desires to preserve the cultural heritage and civilization of these lands is perhaps the most poignant example of the struggle.
What is at stake here is nothing less than whether Turkey will stand the test of civilization.
In the end, civilization will triumph; but those who oppose it may not…
[*] The statements regarding Turks in the text are taken from the works Doğan Avcıoğlu, Türklerin Tarihi, Volume I, and Onur Bilge Kula, Alman Kültüründe Türk İmgesi III.
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