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The Armenian Genocide Centenary and Australia

Source: by Haig Kayserian – from the desk of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation 
As Sydney Harbour was emblazoned with fireworks when the clock struck midnight and welcomed us to 2015, many Armenians in Australia – like our brothers and sisters around the world – would have spared at least a passing thought to what this year would herald for our battle for justice for the Armenian Genocide. The 24th of April, 2015 marks 100 years since the beginning of the still-unpunished crime of the Armenian Genocide – a century since over 1.5 million of our ancestors were massacred by the Ottoman Turkish government and its successor State, in an attempt to wipe out the Armenian race.

The Centenary of the Armenian Genocide presents an opportunity for Armenians to remember, to mourn, to commemorate, to advocate, and to celebrate our survival against all odds.
The Armenian Revolutionary Federation in Australia (ARF Australia) is at the forefront of these efforts, and the purpose of this column is to reveal some of the work that has been going on within our community in preparation for this 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, as well as pass on information of some of the key events and projects that Armenian-Australians can participate in during 2015.

Activities in 2013-14
In 2013, ARF Australia helped form the Armenian Genocide Centenary Commemoration Committee, which includes the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Armenian Catholic Church and the Armenian Evangelical Church. It also includes ARF Australia, the Hunchakian Party, the Ramgavar Party, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), and Hamazkaine.
This Committee’s charter was to organise the key joint events and projects in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide Centenary, as well as sponsor all the events and projects being undertaken by the sister organisations, committees and sub-committees of the member organisations.
The Committee organised a launch event in October 2013, which was a Lecture Evening at Galstaun College featuring U.S.-based Genocide scholar, Professor Richard Hovannissian. In 2014, a similar lecture was organised featuring Mkhitarist Monastery researcher, Father Vahan Ohanian, as well as a Lecture by a Director from Manning Clarke House on a project to restore the Djulfa Cemetery in Nakhichevan.
In 2014, the Committee also formed several sub-committees to organise events and projects that will be discussed in the upcoming events section below, and also launched an Online Calendar which will display all events organised and sponsored by the Armenian Genocide Centenary Commemoration Committee.
A similar Joint Committee was formed in Melbourne to ensure the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide is also commemorated as expected
Also in 2014, the ARF Australia Tro Gomide organised a Conference, which included the participation of the peak public affairs body of the Armenian-Australian community, the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia), as well as the Armenian Youth Federation of Australia (AYF Australia), Hamazkaine, Homenetmen and the Armenian Relief Society (ARS).
This Conference split the over-50 participants into workshops to discuss possible events and projects each group can conduct in commemoration of the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide, and the Conference’s resolution formed the basis of the events and projects the mentioned organisations have been organising for 2015 (some of which will be mentioned below).
Already, ANC Australia has held an Exhibition titled “A Journey To Armenia” at the NSW State Parliament House, dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centenary, and Hamazkaine has held a Literary Evening dedicated to the memory of the Armenian Genocide Centenary.
Upcoming Events and Activities in 2015
The Armenian Genocide Centenary Commemoration Committee, along with its sub-committees, has jointly organised the following key projects and events for 2015:
A Cultural Evening dedicated to the history of Armenia, to be held at The Concourse on March 14th with the participation of many artists and groups within the Armenian-Australian community;
The National Armenian Genocide Commemoration Evening, to be held at the Sydney Town Hall on April 24th, and will feature a very special international guest of honour to keynote the event;
The Melbourne Commemoration Evening organisation is also in the final planning stages and information will be revealed in due course;
A Photography and Documentary Exhibition in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide;
The publishing of a Memorial Book, detailing key historical information and personal memories of descendants of Armenian Genocide victims and survivors;
The constant updating of the Online Calendar of events dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide, at www.armenia.com.au/100;
Among other activities and events to be released in due course.
The ARF Australia-organised Conference has ensured ANC Australia, AYF Australia, Hamazkaine, Homenetmen and the ARS will also bring their participation through several events dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide in 2015. Here are a few we can already publish:
ARF Australia will be releasing details of social campaigns to drive awareness of the Armenian Genocide and ensure maximum participation from the community;
The ARS will be hosting a Blood Donor Drive in February 2015, where Armenian-Australians will be asked to donate blood in memory of the 1.5 million who perished during the Armenian Genocide;
ANC Australia, AYF Australia, Hamazkaine, Homenetmen and the ARS will again jointly organise the Armenian Festival in March 2015, which will celebrate the survival spirit of Armenians 100 years after the Armenian Genocide;
Hamazkaine will host a dedicated event to honour the intellectuals who were massacred during the Armenian Genocide;
Hamazkaine will also host a Photo Exhibition dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centenary;
AYF Australia has released its 2015 Calendar, which featured 12 Lost Cities from Western Armenia, and is dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide;
Homenetmen sporting teams, along with AGBU sporting teams, will be wearing specially-released black armbands during all matches in 2015;
ANC Australia has begun an “On This Day” social media campaign, bringing to life articles that were published in Australia while the Armenian Genocide was taking place;
ANC Australia and AYF Australia, along with Hamazkaine, are also working on educational programs for students, which will be detailed in coming months;
There is also work under way by ANC Australia and Armenia Media to publish books and release multimedia dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centenary;
ANC Australia is working on political advocacy in all Australian States, and the Federal government, to spread awareness of this key anniversary.
These are just some of the activities either completed or under way, which we are able to reveal right now. More events and projects, within the categories of “advocacy”, “education” and “legacy” will be revealed in due course.
The community’s leaders have taken initiatives over the last 18 months to ensure the Armenian Genocide Centenary is noted in a deserving way in Australia – both in the lead-up to 2015 and during 2015. The success of these and other projects and events will depend on the widespread participation of the Armenian-Australian community, which we believe will definitely ensue.
We are also involved and across the international legal efforts that are being accelerated to ensure justice is served. We will ensure to keep you updated on all these developments through Armenia Media’s channels – Armenia Online (armenia.com.au), Armenia Mobile (see Apple App Store and Google Play Store), Armenia TV Australia (YouTube), Armenia Magazine and Armenia Radio.
2015 will be a Happy New Year for Armenians in Australia, and around the world, if the Armenian Genocide Centenary is treated as an opportunity to renew our collective oath to honour the memory of those who perished in 1915, and take fundamental steps towards achieving justice for this unpunished crime committed against our ancestors.
Please Like the ARF Australia Facebook page at www.facebook.com/arfaustralia to remain updated.

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