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Warmest Wishes for a Merry Armenian Christmas

Dear Friend,
The greatest gifts come from the heart.
We show our love by sharing our inspirations and our aspirations. We support our favorite causes with our ideas and our energy. It’s because you care so much about our Armenian homeland and heritage that you’re willing to offer honest praise, when it’s deserved, and constructive criticism, when its merited. And it’s because we care so much about your ideas, that we’re inviting you, once again, to share them with us. And so, in this blessed Christmas season of giving, as we embark upon a very special New Year, we ask you to please tell us what you think by taking our ANCA 2015 Strategic Survey.

Consider it your Christmas gift for the Armenian Cause.
We value your opinions and encourage you to complete this survey and stay in touch with the ANCA via social media throughout this pivotal year in the history of our community and cause.
Merry Christmas,
Aram S. Hamparian
Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW | Washington DC 20036
(202) 775-1918 | anca@anca.org | www.anca.org
Facebook: anca.org/facebook
Twitter: @anca_dc
LinkedIn: anca.org/linkedin
Instagram: anca.org/instagram
YouTube: anca.org/youtube

Google Plus: anca.org/GooglePlus

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