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Diocese Welcomes Newly-Ordained Priest – Deacon Sarkis Now Father Serovbe

In the Armenian Apostolic Church, the ordination rite is one of the most spiritually enriching and moving ceremonies. Hundreds had gathered at St. Leon Armenian Cathedral on Tuesday, October 7, to witness the ordination and consecration of Deacon Sarkis Alanjian into the sacred order of the Priesthood. The ordination rite was the first in the life of St. Leon Armenian Cathedral since its consecration in September 2010.

The ceremonial rite took place in the evening at 6:30 p.m., during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America. More than 500 people attended the ordination ceremony in Burbank.
Assisting Archbishop Derderian at the Holy Altar were Rev. Fr. Nerses Hayrpapetyan, Rev. Fr. Yessai Bedros, Rev. Fr. Hovel Ohanyan, Rev. Fr. Krikor Zakaryan and the deacons and acolytes of the Cathedral. Attending the service were members and friends of the Alanjian family, Diocesan Council Chair Antranik Zorayan, Godfather Dr. Vahram Biricik with his wife Polina, ecumenical leaders, and the faithful of St. Leon Armenian Cathedral.  
High ranking clergymen including His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, His Eminence Archbishop Yeprem Tabbakian participated in the service. 
The kneeling Deacon Sarkis was led to the Holy Altar by the Rev. Fr. Khajag Shahbazyan, Pastor of St. Leon Armenian Cathedral. After the confirmation of the candidate’s worthiness, the priests placed their hands on the shoulders of Dn. Sarkis. Led kneeling to the center of the bema, Dn. Alanjian presented himself to the people by facing the congregation and in a gesture of assent to their will, he raised his hands.
The culmination of the ceremony took place as the Primate robed Dn. Sarkis in Priestly vestments, anointed the priest and announced Dn. Sarkis’ new name – Fr. Serovbe (Seraphim). Holding his hands open, Fr. Serovbe received the chalice and paten from the Primate. According to tradition, the newly-ordained Fr. Serovbe blessed the people by saying “Khaghaghootyoon amanetsoon” (Peace Unto All).
The Primate congratulated the newly ordained priest and called upon him to serve the flock of Christ with relentless dedication and enduring affection. Archbishop Derderian also blessed Yeretzgin Arus calling on her to stand beside Father Serovbe as he embarks on a God-pleasing journey.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Fr. Serovbe stood at the center of the chancel and silently read Holy Scriptures. The faithful greeted him by kissing his freshly-anointed hands.
Following the ordination, a formal celebratory banquet organized by the Stewardship Committee was held at the Nazareth and Sima Kalaydjian Hall in recognition of the newly ordained priest.


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