“Any bargaining, pressure and blackmail around the Nagorno Karabakh/Artsakh problem are absolutely inadmissible for both the Armenian and we hope Azerbaijani people,” says a joint statement of representatives of Armenian Internet sources over the Prague negotiation process and principles of solution of the Karabakh conflict. “The right to determine their future wholly belongs to peoples who live in the given territory. This right belongs to the Armenian and Azerbaijani people. Even the decisions adopted and assured by the leaders of the states without taking into consideration the views of the local population will be considered illegitimate and not liable to carry out. We express our gratitude to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen, representatives of the USA, Russia and France, who notwithstanding regular critical remarks in their address, spare no efforts to find a solution to the Karabakh/Artsakh conflict. In connection with this we hail the Prague Peace Process expressing our hope that during those negotiations mutually acceptable and fair solutions of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be found, solutions that in the best way will take into consideration the interests of all parties to the conflict. We consider that the prolongation of the negotiation process is not the fault of the mediator Co-Chairmen of the Minsk Group rather it is the fault of the negotiation parties. In particular, Azerbaijan refuses to negotiate with the representatives of Artsakh people repeatedly and publicly rejects any concessions to the Armenian party. The authorities of Azerbaijan are stuck in war propaganda, Armenophobia and racism thus violating international and its own laws. Unbridled human hating anti-Armenian propaganda of Baku has led its own people to the condition that Azeri officer decapitated asleep Armenian officer in distant Budapest and at once became national hero in the eyes of many Azerbaijani citizens. Among characteristic features of some high-ranking Azeri officials are irresponsible public statements and straight destructive lie. Recently Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Mamedyarov distinguished himself in such a way assessing the Warsaw negotiations as a de-facto Armenian capitulation. Armenian party has also made some errors that affected the prolongation of the conflict. In particular Armenia till recently hoped that the preservation of the present status quo would reduce acuteness of the conflict. However, these mistakes cannot be compared with Azerbaijan non-constructive position and if Armenia has repeatedly stated the readiness to make mutual concessions and to find compromises, the Azeri leadership continues to reject any idea of concession to the Armenian party. In such a situation the NKR authorities have the most constructive position. NKR is ready to make mutual concessions and guarantee the Artsakh people the most fundamental of all human rights of human being – the right to freedom and security. In connection to this we call the parties to the conflict, mediators and the international community to make boldness, courage and responsibility, and make decisions based on the above mentioned principles in Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. We are confident that just they only these principles can become the foundation of just and lasting peace between the Armenian and Azerbaijani people.” The full text of the statement can be found at http://www.panarmenian.net/library/eng/?id=67 .
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