YEREVAN, MAY 2. ARMINFO. The trial of the murder of Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan by his Azeri counterpart Ramil Safarov in Hungary Feb 19 2004 is to be resumed in Budapest May 10, says Nazeli Vardanyan, lawyer representing the interests of Margaryan's family and Armenian officer Hayk Makuchyan whom Safarov attempted to kill. Safarov is facing from 10-15 years of imprisonment to life in prison. Vardanyan says that she is to leave for Budapest May 7. Also in the court will be Makuchayn and Armenia's Defence Ministry representative Hayk Demoyan. May 10 the court is to make public the results of Safarov's repeated psychiatric examination which was held on the insistance of the Azeri side who was allowed to observe it but with no chance of influence. The first examination found Safarov sane. To remind, Safarov killed Margaryan with an ax.
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