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Nicolas Sarkozy attacks Jean-Louis Debré on Turkey

(original french text is translated by Google Translate)

The voyage to Ankara, organized by the president of the French National Assembly, caused a violent master key of weapons at the office of the group UMP, Tuesday February 8. “a referendum, that is gained in France, not in Turkey…”, launched M. Sarkozy.

Explosive. When, with the UMP, the Turkish question and the strategy of démarquage of Nicolas Sarkozy with respect to Jacques Chirac are combined, the effect can be detonating. It is what occurred, Tuesday February 8, with the French National Assembly. Médusés, the members of the office of group UMP attended a confrontation like, of the consent of some, “one never yet had seen some since the beginning of the legislature” .

In the center of the master key of weapons: the president of the Parliament, Jean-Louis Debré, and chair it UMP, Nicolas Sarkozy. And a quite precise subject: the parliamentary mission that first led in Turkey, from the 3 to February 5, in company of the presidents of the four groups of the Parliament.

Mr. Debré is convinced “to have thus made useful work” by restoring a chipped image of France in Turkey. In the passing, it pinned the “irresponsibility” of those which are opposed to Mr. Chirac on the question of the accession of Turkey without controlling all the springs of them. First concerned, Mr. Sarkozy, for whom, “if Turkey were in Europe, that would know himself” . In short, Mr. Debré rendered a proud service to Mr. Chirac.

The messages received since its return consolidate it in this direction, to start with that of the president of the Republic, which called it Sunday morning. Monday evening, Mr. Debré invited the deputies present for the debate over the 35 hours at dining with the hotel on Lassay. He says to have received only encouragements and congratulations.

It ” was only more gathered of it cold” by criticisms which were expressed, Tuesday, at the office of the group. The question is introduced by the president of the group UMP, Bernard Accoyer, anxious to dissipate the doubts that could cause its remarks made during the stay. The deputy of Haute-Savoie presented the “privileged partnership”, that the UMP opposes to adhesion, like “a choice taken at a time given and likely to evolve/move” . “I did not change a position, I return with the same opinion that when I left” , Mr. Accoyer ensures. Mr. Debré boxes, but the worst is to be come.

Successively, Francoise de Panafieu (Paris), Christian Estrosi (the Alpes-Maritimes), Jacques Remiller (Isère), Herve de Charette (the Maine-and-Loire) and Pierre Méhaignerie (Ille-and-Unpleasant) dispute the “this voyage appropriateness” in Turkey. “It was not the moment to make this displacement” , estimates Mrs. de Panafieu, calling upon fears which the Turkish question does not contribute to weaken “yes” with the Constitution. Mr. Remiller speaks about “disorder” and adds: “It is Ayrault – the president of the group PS – which will draw chestnuts from fire.”

The charge to have taken the risk, by this initiative, “to put itself in contradiction with the head of the State” , which insists to disconnect the Turkish question from the European treaty, puts Mr. Debré out of him. It answers, initially, on Turkey: “There are two possible attitudes: either one them snap the door with the nose, or one listens and one speaks with a country about 71 million inhabitants, and whose France is the first investor… ” Mr. Sarkozy tries to intervene: “a referendum, that is gained in France, not in Turkey…” “Me, me am not stopped. You will speak when I finish!” , rétorque the president of the Parliament before continuing: “What is inappropriate, it is that, for two years, some have not ceased attacking the president of the Republic and the government.” “I make very to calm the things” , defends Mr. Sarkozy. “Yes, after having wanted to make vote everyone” , Mr. Debré takes it again. “I do not say that one needs claquer the door to the Turks, but one cannot have Europe which continues to widen indefinitely” , pleads the president of the UMP. “account had t’en to be returned earlier” , counterpart that of the Parliament.


Mr. Accoyer tries to calm the play: “One does not go engueuler between us!” But the second salvo is announced. Mr. de Charette is ironical: “If Mr. Debré wants to walk, it is its freedom. But if it brings with him the presidents of group, it is a political act.” Before continuing: “You did not want a debate on front Turkey, you will have it during the referendum.” The president of the Parliament is criticized to have, “from abroad” , is directly attacked Mr. Sarkozy, whom it described as “adventurer” , showing it “to play with the fears of the French” . Mr. Méhaignerie known as “to be shocked” .

Then, second once, Mr. Debré carry themselves and coward in direction of the group, in reference to the debate on Turkey organized in October with the Palate-Bourbon in front of almost empty benches: “Me, I am perfectly in my mission. It is not your presence in the Hemicycle which gave an indication of serious!”

The close relations of Mr. Sarkozy are not dissatisfied that thus expressed themselves, in the closed door with the office of the group, some of the recriminations against the “clan chiraquien” . “It was made all alone sore” , estimates Mr. Estrosi in connection with Mr. Debré, considering “unhappy its attitude with regard to the president of our movement, especially when it above is done arm, arm below with the president of the group PS” . “division will not come from us” , repeats Mr. Estrosi. But, in the entourage of Mr. Debré, one is convinced that the “operation” of Tuesday “had been organized” .

Philippe Ridet and Patrick Roger


Mr. Chirac considers “useful” the voyage of the deputies

The voyage in Turkey of Jean-Louis Debré had been lengthily prepared upstream, with Paul Poudade, the former head of the protocol of the Elysium, had been named by Jacques Chirac, at the end of August 2004, ambassador in Ankara. Tuesday February 8 in the morning, the president of the Republic, to which had been just brought back the incident between Nicolas Sarkozy and Mr. Debré, authorized this last to be publicly let know “how much it estimated that displacement in Turkey that it had carried out with the four presidents of parliamentary group had been useful for the image and the interests of France” , adding that it had asked Mr. Debré “to transmit to the presidents of group all his recognition” .

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