Armenian community of France east in agitation since the aggression of which were victims Saturday November 27 at 16 hours 30, four Armenians which held a stand of the CCAF against the entry of Turkey negationnist in Europe in the pedestrian district of Valence, street Madier Demontjau. The Stand started at 15 hours with ten people, of which young people, of any age, men and women. Several hundred lower meters another Armenian stand also makes sign petitions. At a given time, the Armenians of the first stand see attroupement young people being formed. Having a presentiment of a threat, they call the police station of Valence to ask him of the assistance and make leave the old people and women who were at their side. The police station dispatches a car which circumvents the stand non-stop. Once the car disappeared behind a building, attroupement threatening street on the militants who make sign the petitions. The blows start to rain: four Armenians against a score of attackers being presented in the form of ” Turkish “. The racist insults and of the threats of the type ” One will continue the work of our large parents, one will massacre you ” continue more beautiful. The police force arrives. It separates the two groups, but refuses to take the identity of young ” Turkish ” to the reason which they would be already card-indexed for problems of delinquency. The police officers advise with the Armenians to leave to prevent that other young people arrive. What does not fail to occur. A little later an about sixty ” Turks ” arrive on the spot, with the research of the Armenians. Two to three hundred witnesses attend the scene.
The Armenians decide to carry felt sorry for. To go to the police station, it is necessary for them to pass by the street of Arménie. They cross a white BMW stationed there. The occupant of the car, proclaiming ” Turkish ” utter threats and insults (to burn the houses, the mothers girls etc…). Seeing that the Armenian tradesmen of the street leave their shops and oblige the ” Turks ” to flee. With the police station the police force refuses to take the depositions of the casualties as long as they do not have medical certificates. One of the victims of the aggression has the broken arm, the other the broken nose, and the two others suffer from multiple contusions.
The police force proceeds Sunday carries out the arrest of two of the attackers ” Turkish “. About thirty their close relations gather in the afternoon in front of the police station of Valence to make pressure until both challenged are finally slackened.
In the evening a delegation of the Armenians of Valence, made up of the local representatives of the CCAF, Armenian parties and other personalities of the associative and religious world meet the prefect, the authorities of Police force as well as representatives of the town hall of Valence. The Armenians require continuations against the delinquents.
Joined together the evening the same one in general assembly, the Armenians of Valence require to be received by the Attorney General. They also call with a quiet walk which will begin Saturday from the next week at 16 hours from the place of where the aggression was made.
Valence Reaction
In Paris, the president of the CCAF denounced these facts in an official statement taken again by the AFP. He moreover made contact with the ministry for the interior with Mr. Guyot, close adviser of Mr. de Villepin to denounce the deficiencies of the police force in this business and to be astonished by the absence of official reactions of the ministry on this aggression in racist matter.
On its side, the CCAF Marseilles-Provence calls with a gathering of solidarity and protest on November 29, 2004 with 18h00 in front of the Prefecture (Place Felix Barret) where a delegation of the CCAF will be received by the Prefect of Area.
In the afternoon of Saturday November 27, in Valence, on the place of the Town hall, five young French of Armenian origin were victims of an aggression perpetrated by several tens of Turkish.
For the top of the heads of state and government Europeans of next 17 December and for better informing the citizens and the elected officials on the negation of the Armenian génocide of 1915 by the Turkish State candidate with adhesion with the European Union, some young people, members of associations initially verbally held a stand on this place attended rather well when they were attacked, with racist insults, then by physical acts. Thus, five French of Armenian origin was wounded.
The police force, called on the spot does not seem to have reacted, nor carried out interpellations, wishing to minimize this incident, however engraves, while recommending “to fold up to avoid future provocations”. The associative persons in charge however recall to have informed Préfécture, as of June, which they feared this kind of aggressions on behalf of Turkish who is done accessory to their State, when it is about the Armenian génocide of 1915. Indeed, they had had, on several occasions, of information indicating that this kind of overflow would be possible.
Whereas France voted unanimously, a law, promulgated as of January 29, 2001, and that we will start, in a few weeks the year 2005 who will commemorate the 90ème anniversary of the génocide, this aggressive negation appears unacceptable to us and must be sanctioned with severity.
This is why Alexis Govciyan, President d’ Europe of the Memory, requests the Minister of Interior Department to make the provisions necessary for diligenter all investigations suitable and to prevent the renewal of this kind of attacks, unworthy of the republican principles. Europe of the Memory, very implied in the fight against the negationnism and the revisionism, also requires of Mister the Minister of Justice to act promptly so that the authors of this aggression are punished and that the legislative devices on the matter are reinforced.
Lastly, it appears essential to consider that calms it doirt to reign and freedom to inform and of manister must be preserved. As, Europe of the Memory, concerned of the respect of the republican values, wishes as greatest vigilance be observed to avoid all provocations which would serve the interests only of the negationnists of the truth.
Gathering of the CCAF Marseilles
The CCAF Marseilles Provence thanks the 500 people who gathered in dignity and the determination in front of the prefecture in Marseilles this evening.
Within a time very court 24 hour old, the Armenians showed a strong capacity of mobilization. The political community strongly represented also gave a spontaneous support at our community following the serious incidents of Valence.
To also note during the difficult time that we cross, the presence comforting at our sides and the platform, of the highest representatives of the Jewish community of area (CRIF Marseilles Provence, Consistoire and UEJF).
This gathering placed under the sign of the emotion made it possible to alert the Prefect of Area of concern and anger observed by the Armenian community.
The CCAF Marseilles Provence required of the prefectoral authorities an increased monitoring of the places of worships and other Armenian arts centres of the Area.
The elected officials undertook to sensitize the highest authorities of the State, in particular the Ministry for the Interior in front of this blaze of anti-Armenian violence.
A call to the general mobilization was launched until December 17 with in particular the gathering meeting which the CCAF Marseilles Provence will organize Thursday December 16 with 18H00 on the Old Port, during which the presence of Mr. Jean Christmas Guérini-President of the General Council of the Mouths of the Rhone, like Mr. Michel Vauzelle-President of Area PACA, are announced right now.
This major gathering will intervene a few hours before the departure of the train for Brussels.
The CCAF Marseilles Provence calls with the success of these 2 complementary actions so that Mr. Jacques Chirac does not make irrevocable 17 December by accepting the opening of the negotiations to the accession of Turkey without the precondition of the recognition of the génocide of the Armenians.
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