Today Gevorg Tumanyan, head of CB’ Department on Cash Transactions, said at the press conference that beginning from December 1 new 10-dram kopecks will be put into circulation, which are smaller in sizes than the previous ones and are in a greater harmony with the rest of coins.
He also said that a few days before they had found false kopecks of 100 and 200 nominal values. The circumstance causes concern as CB hasn’t yet found any other false 100 or 200-dram kopecks since the first false ones. Gevorg Tumanyan was holding the only adulterated coins in his hands.
Mr. Tumanyan announced that 2 false coins found hadn’t yet been sent to laboratory examination as they could be damaged. He added the coins would be sent after the conference.
If anyone finds a false coin, CB representative advises to drop a coin on any hard substance to find out the authenticity of it. He assures genuine coins will sound more clearly.
It is to state that to this very day there haven’t been any rumors about false coins among the society.
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