Uluslarasi Katolik Misyonu (Pontifical Mission Society) Insan Haklari Ofisi
yoneticisi Dr.Otmar Oehring’in "Avrupa yolunda Turkiye – Dini Ozgurlukler?"
isimli raporu.
Raporu indirmek icin ilgili linke tiklayin.
Ingilizcesi :
Turkey on the Road to Europe.pdf
Fransizcasi :
Turquie sur la voie de l_Europe.pdf
Otmar Oehring hakkinda…
Otmar Oehring was born in 1955 in Saulgau and lived from 1955 to 1971 in
Ankara, Turkey. From 1975 to 1981 he studied Middle Eastern Culture and History
in Munich, where he also read Law. He spent 1981 and 1982 in Istanbul on a
scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. In 1983 he obtained his PhD
from the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, with a thesis on “Turkey in the
Crossfire of Extreme Ideologies (1973-1980)”. Since late 1983 he has been in the
foreign department of missio, the Pontifical Mission Society in Aachen, where he
was initially Desk Officer for the Islamic countries. He was in charge of the
Africa / Middle East Desk from 1991 to 2000 and has been head of the Human
Rights Office since 1 January 2001. He has also been an expert witness in asylum
hearings since 1981.
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