ISTANBUL (20 November 2003) — His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian Patriarch
of Istanbul and all Turkey, said the following an hour after the two
explosions in the Beyoglu and Levent districts of Istanbul, which killed
nearly 30 people and wounded over 400 citizens.
“We are, again, living the horror of hideous terror. It is horrifying to see
that human dignity and the right to life could so easily be infringed upon.
Such ruthless and hateful acts are beyond our comprehension.
“We know that God is love. God is good. I say with deep conviction: this
massacre could certainly not be of God, could not be in the Name of God!
“I deplore this act of violence. For the victims who have lost their lives,
I ask the Lord to have mercy on their souls. For the bereaved families I
offer my condolences and ask for the comfort of the Holy Spirit. I pray that
the wounded will get well soon and that people will rediscover peace.”
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