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On February 1-2, a “Pro-Armenia” conference was held at the Senate Clemanso Palace in Paris, France. “Pro-Armenia” aims at promoting in the political circles of different countries the problems Armenia and the Armenians are facing.

The conference was organized by the Armenian National Committee of Europe. Henry Papazian, former ARF Bureau member opened the conference. Laurent Leilekian, Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of Europe read out the message by Christian Poncelet, Speaker of the French Senate. Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia, who had arrived in Paris to take part in this conference, addressed the conference.

Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Armen Khachatrian called this conference a new fact of cooperation between all the parts of the Armenian nation. Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian introduced the present situation in Armenia, speaking also about the relations with Turkey and confirmed the position to carry on the works aimed at recognizing the Armenian Genocide. ARF Bureau representative Hrant Margarian thanked the participants and attached great importance to the conference. Louis Aiaila, Secretary general of the Socialist International made a speech during the conference. “Social Democratic and socialist parties are not only with the ARF but also with the entire Armenian nation,” the leader of the largest socialist organization said.

Discussions were held in three panels: “Armenia and the Armenian nation in the 21st century” ; “Integration of Armenia into the Caucasus economy within globalization,», “The Armenian question, the Genocide and the 21st century” Raul Alfonsin, former president of Argentina, Papaligouras Anastasias, head of the Greek Parliament delegation, Nikolay Rizhkov, Russian Parliament Member and former USSR Prime Minsiter, Artur Chilingarov, Vice-Speaker of the Russian Parliament, Fernando Morret, acting Defense Minister of Argentina, Francois Rochebloine, French Parliament member, Oleg Yesayan, Speaker of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic Parliament, Theodoros Pangalos, former Greek Foreign Minister, presently a Parliament member, historians Yves Ternon and Tessa Hofmann, Hamlet Movsisian and Melik Rstakian, Georgian Parliament members were among those taking part in these discussions.

Armenians from about 20 countries including Russia, USA, Argentina, Lebanon, Cyprus, Greece, Georgia, Iran, Ukraine, Uruguay, Brazil as well as foreign political leaders and intellectuals who are interested in Armenian issues participated in the conference. The conference brought together ministers, ambassadors, members of parliament as well as 80 public and political leaders from different Armenian communities.

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