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Eleven presidential candidates, who were officially registered by Armenia’s Central Election Commission (CEC) January 15 will start their election campaigning from January 21 that will run up to February 18. The CEC refused to register former foreign affairs minister Raffi Hovhanesian, as he lacks one of the constitutional requirements, a ten-year-long Armenian citizenship, to be eligible to run for presidency. Hovhanesian had protested the decision of interior ministry not to certify his 10-year citizenship at a lower court, which endorsed the ministry’s decision. Following it Hovhanesian took the case to a higher Court of Review, which is set to consider it January 17, three days before the deadline for candidates registration.

Hovhanesian, who served as foreign minister in 1991-1992, was granted Armenian citizenship only in 2001 August. One of the CEC members suggested that registration of Hovhanesian be delayed until the verdict of the court of appeals, but this was rejected by the CEC.

Zaven Pluzian from the National Unity of Artashes Geghamian, citing a range of legislative acts, said that registration of the incumbent president Kocharian as a presidential candidate was running counter to laws, but this was retaliated by the CEC secretary who said that Kocharian’s proxies had submitted all necessary documents.

By Aghavni Harutunian

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