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Avustralya New South Wales’deki “Etnik Gruplar Arası İlişkileri Düzenleyen Toplum İlişkileri Kurulu” Başkanı STEPAN KERKYASHARIAN’ın konuşmacı olarak katılacağı “ÇOKKÜLTÜRLÜ BİR TOPLUMDA YURTTAŞLIK” isimli konferans 16 Kasım Cumartesi günü saat 14’de BİLGİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ DOLAPDERE KAMPÜSÜ’nde düzenleniyor.

Kerkyasharian’ın http://www.curriculum.edu.au/democracy/biographies/kerkya.htm adresindeki biyografisi ise şöyle…

Stepan Kerkyasharian (1943– )
Stepan Kerkyasharian (say Kir-kia-share-ian) was born on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus in 1943 of Armenian parentage. He has spent most of his adult life working for the benefit of people who have come to live in Australia from overseas. He was the head of SBS radio from 1980 to 1989. He then became the head of a New South Wales statutory body called the Ethnic Affairs Commission. This agency works to help people from overseas settle into their new lives and be treated fairly, and provides access and opportunities for their participation in the life of the State of New South Wales.
Stepan Kerkyasharian was made a member of the Order of Australia in 1992 and a Fellow of the University of Technology Sydney in 1995.

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