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Lraper: Patrik Mesrob II ABD Büyükelçisini Kabul Etti

Patrik Mesrob II Hazretleri, gectigimiz Cuma saat 17:00’de Surp Astvadzadzin Patriklik Kilisesi bitisigindeki gecici makam odasinda, nezaketen ziyarette bulunan ABD’nin Ankara Buyukelcisi Robert Pearson’ı kabul etti.

Gorusme sirasinda, Turkiye Ermenilerinin güncel yaşamı ile ilgilenen Buyukelci Pearson, Patrik Hazretlerine ABD hukumetinin Turkiye-Ermenistan arasinda saglanmasi arzulaan karsilikli anlasma ve barisa yonelik calismalari hakkinda bilgi verdi. Patrik Hazretleri ise, ruhani bir kurulus olan Patriklik makaminin, halklar arasinda karsilikli anlasma, hosgoru ve barisa yonelik her turlu girisimi daima destekledigini ifade etti.

Buyukelci Pearson’a ziyaretinden dolayi tesekkur eden Patrik Hazretleri, Turkiye’de yasanan ekonomik krizin tum yurttaslar gibi Ermeni cemaati uyelerini de olumsuz etkiledigini ancak alinacak ciddi tedbirler sayesinde, iki yili askin bir sureyle devam edecegi tahmin edilen bu krizin asgari zararla atlatilacagini umit ettigini sozlerine ekledi.

The United States Ambassador to Turkey, His Excellency Mr Robert Pearson, paid a courtesy visit to His Beatitude Patriarch Mesrob II of Istanbul and all Turkey at the Armenian Patriarchate in Kumkapi, Istanbul on August 10.

Ambassador Pearson learned about the current situation of the Armenian community in Turkey. His Beatitude and the US Ambassador also discussed US efforts aimed at reconciliation and understanding between Turkey and Armenia.

His Beatitude said that, as a spiritual institution, the Armenian Patriarchate supports any initiative which contributes to the mutual understanding, reconciliation and peaceful co-existence of peoples.

Patriarch Mesrob explained that due to the existing economic conditions in Turkey, the Armenian community is experiencing difficult times, just as almost everyone in society. He said the community is hoping to minimize the effects of the economic crisis by adopting austerity measures. The crisis could last for two years, say the experts.

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